Wednesday 10 September 2014

ICT in Education and its uses.

                   Impact of ICT in our daily life

As human being we are always attach with lot of essential things in our life. Jobs, education,retailing, banking these are the compulsory things in our life. It was very hard to get in touch with these before technology changed our life and made it easier for us. It has contributed a lot to  exchange our life from writing a letter which could take one month to arrive to the receiver to writing an e-mail which can be received by the receiver in just one minute, from going to the shop to choose and buy things to choose and buy using E-commerce and no one even needs to go to the shop to collect their goods. Sticking with the book for whole day can be very amusing for the students. Thanks to IT which introduced us to an innovative way of studying. Some of the topics are described in more details below which are changed because of IT.

The technology helped us in our education as well. This has introduced the easiest way of learning and teaching for both students and the teachers. It has also introduced us to know about modern discoveries and also historical things as well. We can use internet every where to different books and also we can watch videos on the internet to get more ideas about the topic that we want to research on. Now a days we use projector in our school and other educational field to discuss the work with the whole class.

                          Uses of ICT in Education

ICT is used in education sectors as it offers:

  •  Enhanced learning.

    Interactive learning experience.

    Cognitive development.

    In education sector ICT is used by:

    1) TEACHERS: Teachers use in research  for preparing teaching material,    participating in online forums and online conference.

    2) STUDENTS: Students use ICT as reference tool. They use computers to browse the Internet to look for information. Project information and literature.

    3) RESEARCHES: Researches use ICT tool to collect, process and analyze.

    4) SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION: School administration use ICT tool for administrative purposes to make sure that the entire operation runs smoothly. e.g to get student details at the click of a button.